Author: Abdul Rahman Ahmad
Country: Egypt
It would seem weird amongst all the political issues in which we are stuck in nowadays, both globally and locally, if someone bombed an issue called "Secularism"!
For me I don't like to call it that way, I like calling it: "Self-independence", and by "Self" I mean everything related to everybody's character, personal guarantees, Religion and nationality...
Before going further with this issue, I am a Muslim and I am proud to be one!
I am just thinking of what is the reason behind me being a Muslim!
The answer is simply because my parents are Muslims but why are my parents so? Because my grand father was so, and so on to the level that I find all humans running in a circle called "Following and followers"!
We did not choose to be ourselves; the fact keeps going through my mind!
There are restricted areas and issues that we should not speak of and why?? Not to be called "weird" or to be rejected by others.
What I am saying is: I did not choose to be Muslim just like He did not choose to be Christian although we both think that our religion is the best, and our messenger is the greatest of all! Weird, isn't it?
To me it is not opening one's mind to differences.
Neither Muslims go to churches to know truly about Coptic nor do Christians go to mosques to know about Islam and Jews do not go to either place to know about either one of both religions!
We just see each other's religion by our eyes and our perspectives, not by the other's eyes!
What I have to say that we, as youth, have to raise our voices, we do not have to be followers!
I wanted to call this "followers......No more" but I thought the title was into the point!
This is a concept I already have; I do not believe at all that our religion should be stamped on our IDs unless we have a total knowledge and awareness of this religion and only when we choose this religion as our way with complete content and pride!!
Every one of us has to have this concept: "Follower.... No more" not only in religion but in our school, home, etc... We have to choose our way in everything even if it involved restricted areas!!
I think you have a really good point! i agree that we shouldn't be followers!
Man, great article! and I'm the first to comment here!!!
keep it up ;)
Great Job Abdul Rahman ;)
We should never accept anything that was imposed on us if we thought it wasn't the best for us as u put it we should be " followers no more"
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