Thursday, May 1, 2008


Author: Zainab Al-Tamimi
Country: Oman

"Friendship... is not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven'tlearned anything."

-Muhammad Ali

Friendship is an essential relationship for any person. A real friend maybe closer to you than the members of your family. It has been said that a friend is a sibling that has not been born by you mother.

To be a good friend we need to be supportive, respective, protective as well as to keep all secrets of our close friends. It is essential also that any one of us should be careful with selecting our friends because consciously or unconsciously there maybe a positive or negative impact of our friends' personalities, behavior and attitude in ours. So a good friend is an asset and definitely well be helpful during happiness and sadness. Friends help you get through tough times in your life, and they add joy and happiness when you're down.

I think friends are the most important thing to have in this world, so I hope that you will find a real friend.


Noor said...

this is just the kinda article we have been wanting at viva, cuz it has a very nice msg that all of us feel and it brings a good change here.

so thanks a looooooooot zainab, we will be looking forward to seeing more of ur articles here. ;)

u did a fantabulous job!

Waed S. said...

A friend is always needed !
And good job girlie !!
keep ur articles coming !! ;)

Unknown said...

Aww I really liked this article, it is so nice and positive! :) Keep it up, Zainab, hope you are doing great!*

deadman walking said...

Having friends wasn't that much hard for me, I spent most of my school years with the same group of ppl, so they became like brothers for me, so those talks about how hard it is to find a real friend, never made sense to me, because most of the ppl around me are real friends, if they are not, i will just simply kick them out.
we always been there for each other, even now that we are far away, we are still connected, and I think thats a big source of my joy in life (: , friends are surely an essential part of life . and finding them must come out from you, if you are friendly, you make friends (:

sucks or not, it's mine said...

That's really nice. and as they say a friend in need is a friend indeed.
glad to have ya as a friend Zainab :P
good job ;)
keep it up.

Ashok said...

An integral part of social life is definitely friendship. They form the very backbone of our lives. Good article. :D