Sunday, June 24, 2007


"Words offer the means to meaning and for those who listen the enunciation of truth."

I will never forget those words from V for Vendetta. The ability to speak out, the right to speech is indicative of the progress mankind has made intellectually and otherwise.

Today through the Internet, an opportunity presents itself to us, an opportunity to make people hear us, to listen to us and God willing think about what we have to say. The spirit of questioning they say is a inherent quality in man, the most fundamental aspect that makes us Superior intellectually over other beings. The spirit of questioning brought Europe its Renaissance; it brought India her independence and it made one man travelling in a train question the discrimination of blacks by the whites. A life spent without questioning is a life spent worthlessly more as a ordinary creature and less as a human being.

A government only becomes an oppressor when the subjects are taken for granted. Soon the subjects are unhappy with the government and before we know what hit us there is anarchy and political instability. A government without the support of the people will perish. A society that questions will be a society that will be respected. The people will be respected and they will not be taken for granted. Thus at a deeper insight into all this, the stability and peace which we want and which we hope for depends on the type of questions we ask, the frequency at which we ask such questions and how determined we will be in getting answers.

Let us waste no more time in asking questions that don't matter and seeking answers that make no impact. Let us in fact ask the right questions, the ones that force people to think and wonder if maybe; JUST MAYBE something is wrong somewhere and we need to find answers soon. Let us spend our life as people asking the right questions and getting those answers that make an impact, leave a better world for the future generations.

It is in this context that the idea behind "Viva", our newsletter originated. It is in this direction that we hope to continue and it is in this field that we need support.

Members of A2I


sucks or not, it's mine said...

ok first, you have to start this with 'V for Vendetta'!!!!!:O
but then hey it's really good.. way to go

FaerieDevilish said...

Keep it up, A2I!

nakedwriter said...

YAY! It's finally up!!

Good job guys...!!!!

looking forward to more