Author: Travis Boddie
Country: The United States of America
In our civilization there are so problems that can be considered as main affects of the reasoning for issues within our society. Just for one second think about how in 2005 about 38,000 live in poverty which is also reasoning for people being homeless. Have we not realize that it is the duty of the people and our representative to do what is in the best interest of what we claim to be a great nation.
Not only 38,000 people just considered that 38% of that is children. Data from the U.S Bureau of the Census states that 17.6% for children under the age of 18 years of age are significantly higher that the poverty rate for any other age group. By the creation of this policy it will allow for us to offer assistance and trying in not just the advancement of individuals but the advancement of us as a nation.
How is someone placed in the poverty level, and what are the causes? It is caused by the decrease of available jobs, and the declining value and availability of public assistance. In order for someone to be victorious we need to create more jobs which will allow the advancement of the people. In order to achieve this we need to begin to utilize the governmental departments such as U.S. Department of Labor, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, U.S. Department of Education, and Department of Housing and Urban Development. It is the hopes of this policy that we not only provide assistance but we also provide a type of assistance in which it allows the family or in particular the individual to get on there feet and see change in their life. Where at one point in time the can leave the program and now face the day to day issues they face before with financials, jobs, and everything that comes with though issues. That way we can have on-going progress, It is the creation and the importance of this policy that maybe not allow for us to be equal but will begin to bring people from there current stage of poverty to being financially stable.
Bettering Tomorrow Families (BTF) PolicyThis BTF Policy creates a assistance to be around the United States. We will begin the testing of this policy in Connecticut where poverty and homeless rates are at utmost. The basic of the program is to provide them with a foundation, which will include an apartment so that they have a place to call “Home”. This apartment rent will be controlled by Government Officials in the Department of HUD. They will act in the best of the people residing in those facilities. The Department of Labor will assist in training the civilizations how to become successful in this society. Most of the programs will include resume, writing, job interviewing, and other essentials. The Department of Labor will help with providing job interviews upon completing successful training in the program. We will begin to utilize all Federal Government Departments, and there Sub-division assistance in the creation of internships, part-time, full-time, and other jobs for civilian’s in the program. All members within in the program creates a agreement which states that as long as you comply with the program policy and regulations we will assist them until they have got on there feet. The Department of U.S. Department of Health and Human Services already tries to improve the issue of homelessness and through there programs such as grants, research, resources, and the Interagency Council on Homelessness. The Department has coming to realize that ending homelessness requires housing combined with types of service support by HHS programs. The delivery of treatment and services to persons experiencing homelessness is included in the activities of the Department, both in five programs specifically targeted to homeless individuals. So based on this we have realize that there will be no changes made to their assistance and we will use there programs as is. What is Poverty and what are some of the causes of Poverty. How does poverty occur? Poverty in the United States refers to people living in poverty in the U.S. Within the U.S. the most common measure of poverty is the "poverty line" set by the U.S. government. While we are told that there are a variety of reasons for poverty the main issues are unfavorable economic conditions, mental and disability, lack of educational and skill, substance abuse, birth of a child, domestic abuse, natural or other disasters, crime, Tax levels Cross-Country data shows a correlation between tax levels as a share of GPD and child poverty.
In order for are program and or anything to become successful dealing with homelessness we must first deal with poverty because it believed that the cause of homelessness is poverty. Poverty in the United States is the results of issues that contributes to and sustain poverty, in particular low quality education from poorly funded inner-city schools which then causes to allow a few marketable skills which leads to minimum wage and then goes on to housing, food, clothing, medical care, and so on.As a result of this we will begin to utilize the U.S Department of Education as it main focus will be to assist in bettering inner-city schools trying to make it financially equal to suburban schools. For example comparing schools in New Haven such as James Hill House, and Wilbur Cross comparing to surrounding New Haven country schools like East Have, Danbury, North Haven, Ansonia, and many others, not only are they financially secure but they have more of an advantage What is homelessness and what are some of the causes of homelessness. How does homelessness occur? Homelessness is the condition and societal category of people who lack housing and food, usually because they cannot afford a regular, safe, and adequate shelter. There is a possibility that with this program we will allow the providing of food and the assistance in affording regular, safe. And adequate shelter that we may have the opportunity to work in helping them grow, imagine the hate crime against these people who do not deserve the abuse from this society it is unjust and just plainly wrong.
Assistance begins with the following: The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act of 1986 (Pub. L. 100-77, July 22, 1987, 101 Stat. 482, 42 U.S.C. § 11301 et seq.) is a United States federal law that provides federal money for shelter programs. It was the first significant federal legislative response to homelessness, and was passed and signed into law by President Ronald Reagan on July 22, 1987 . This program provide what called a Continuum of Care Program, the Supportive Housing Program, the Shelter Plus Care Program, and a variety of other programs while we will ask that this program for assistance we look at this plan and begin to try to assist in advancing our program with providing more of assistance pertaining to education because with the education and providing assistance for housing we will the begin to find resolutions. Not only is it that people who have begin to discriminate against these issues but it particular there as been cases filed in a few states trying to have the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act of 1986 can assist with people in there states. The National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty successfully litigated cases against the District of Columbia and the State of New York. See Lampkin v. District of Columbia, 27 F.3d 605 (D.C. Cir. 1993); remanded to trial at 879 F. Supp. 116 (D. D.C. 1995); Nat’l Law Ctr. on Homelessness and Poverty v. New York, 224 F.R.D. 314 (E.D.N.Y. 2004). (In Lampkin, the District initially rejected further federal money to avoid complying with the act. If solutions are trying to be made then why these places are trying to be made why they feel that this can’t be accomplishes. It is believed that many states and government officials don’t like to point on problems that needs change and in this case it one in particular which does not allow for grow of that state if they don’t offer assistance. It is also stated in the act that Homeless” children are entitled the protections of the McKinney-Vento Act. The Act defines homeless children as “individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence.” Therefore, as you can see that it time for a change and we have the capability to assist in the advancement of our society. With the BTF (Bettering Tomorrow Future) it will consist of growing the nation economically, educationally, and providing citizens to not just be a statistics of being unsuccessful but a statistics that sheds positive light. Let not be the states or the programs that over half solutions but does not have programs or the solution overall that can’t assist in the creation of a better place. While on one hand people make look at homelessness as a demeaning thing but just for one second we must begin to realize it not that a person wants to be homeless but when they don’t have the assistance and the requirements necessary then they there self can’t try to create a better life. Lastly, if we the people allow our government to go against them then how are the morally or ethically correct if there duty and obligation is to protect the people of this great nation.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
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