Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Yes We Can!

Author: Winmsn
Country: Canada

Robert Frost wrote the poem "The Road Not Taken" in 1916, in which the quote above is from. Frost is telling us that sometimes even though, there may be an "easy, more popular way out"; it pays off to take the harder, right road. Let's apply this in the context of Washington D.C. There are two roads leading to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave; one taken by all the politicians, the lobbyists, etc; and one deserted road that has not been used in a long time – until now.

His name is Barack Obama, and I am sorry to say that I have caught his message of hope and change. I first heard about Mr. Obama in 2004; when he gave that remarkable speech to the Democratic National Convention in which he says "There is no Liberal America. There is no Conservative America. There is THE United States of America." Soon after Bush won the 2nd election, people began to say "Obama '08! Obama '08!", however it was a minority of people.

Then in January of 2007, he launched his campaign; much to the delight of his supporters.
The media immediately declared Clinton the de-facto winner; I, myself, must admit that I believed them. How naive I was. I supported Obama, but didn't think he could win. I thought America would be divided by race, yet again. Then came the night of Iowa (the whitest of white states); surprising everyone he won and Clinton came 3rd. That win set the tone of this race. Many people (including me) immediately started to believe again.

Several months later, the race in the Democratic Party; is over, with Obama clinching a majority of the pledged delegates. Now, America faces a choice; a choice between the old (literally) politics and the new politics. A new politics that includes talking to your enemies, not backing down from what you believe in, making healthcare and post-secondary education affordable to everyone and a politics that includes not taking money from lobbyists. Now, that's change we can believe in.

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